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Type: bait casting, spinning, spin casting).

Blanks: name brand blanks of graphite, fiberglass, boron, or composite

Standard Rod blanks constructed of IM6 graphite (44 million modulus) to guarantee a high-strength low-weigh rod. They are finish in Chemo, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Lime, Lemon, Orange and black. Other brand name blanks are available. (St. Croix, G. Loomis, MHX, Gorilla, CRB, Hercules, Seeker, and Matrix).


Handle Type: Solid, Split, pistol, Cork or Eva Foam

Guides and Reel seats:

Guides are constructed with rugged stainless steel frames and feature a Titanium Nitride coated ring, colors match the rod blanks. Reel seat or 2 piece to allow greater amount of sensitivity, the Pacific Bay MINIMA takes that concept to the extremes by allowing a greater area of the rod blank to be exposed making greater sensitivity and reduce handle weight. The single piece reel seat is by Fuji giving more power and control while helping to eliminate arm and wrist fatigue.